Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The Engineer Zombie

 This time I will be talking about the Engineer Zombie, how to use it, and his abilities/upgrades. The Engineer is a little strange because he isn't exactly like the plants side. The zombies don't exactly have a sniper, but most of the zombies can shoot a fair distance or the distance of a sniper. The Engineer can't shoot as far as most of the zombies, but it can still shoot pretty far. The Engineer has the same amount of health as the foot soldier zombie, which is approximately 125. The thing about the Engineer is that it is kind of unpredictable. He does dish out a lot of damage no matter what type of engineer you are using. The strange thing about him is that he is like a mix between the peashooter (run-and-gun) and the cactus (sniper). The reason for that is because he does A LOT of damage, has a good amount of health, and has a pretty fast reload time. The Engineer is actually more like the cactus because he has similar abilities. The reason he is also like the peashooter is because he does splash damage and has about the same time in between shots and what not. For his abilities the first one you unlock is the sonic grenade. The sonic grenade is actually pretty overpowered. What the sonic grenade does is it stuns enemies after about a second when you throw it out. The stun time is ridiculous, giving you time to wipe out an entire group of plants. Also, if a chomper is coming at you with his burrow ability you can actually force him to pop out of the ground and stun him, giving you time to take him out. The second ability that you unlock is the zombot drone. The zombot drone is just the zombie version of the garlic drone. It has the exact same health, does the same amount of damage, and has a similar ability called the cone strike, which instead of launching corn on the cob missiles, it drops a bunch of bombs on your head. The third and final ability that you get is the jackhammer. The jackhammer is similar to the the peashooter's hyper ability. What the jackhammer does is make the Engineer a lot faster, and it actually lasts a lot longer than hyper mode. For upgrades, you will get proximity sonic mines, the rocket drone, and the turbo jackhammer. The proximity sonic mines are just the sonic grenades, except they are mines. They still stun enemies for a certain amount of time, and do pretty much nothing else. The mines are also another reason the Engineer is like the cactus. The rocket drone is just the upgraded version of the zombot drone. Instead of shooting thin red laser things at you, it shoots one giant purple laser at you, doing a lot more damage, and making it a little easier to hit the targets. It also still has the same ability as before too. The third and final upgrade that you get, as mentioned before, is the turbo jackhammer. The turbo jackhammer is just a faster version of the regular jackhammer, but it doesn't last nearly as long. That is it for this time. Next time I will be talking about the scientist, or the medic of the zombie side. Until next time, enjoy the game! :D

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