Monday, September 29, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The Foot Soldier Zombie

      Finally I move on to the zombies. The first zombie that I will talk about is the foot soldier zombie. The foot soldier zombie is the zombie equivalence of the peashooter. The foot soldier zombie, unlike the plants, has a gun that can shoot extremely fast, and can shoot as far as you want it to. The foot soldier zombie has the same amount of health as the peashooter, which is approximately 125. Sadly the foot soldier zombie doesn't deal splash damage, so instead you have to hit the target straight on, which isn't actually very difficult. The foot soldier zombie is also the perfect troop for taking out the garlic drone because of his weapon accuracy and because it deals more than 5 damage, which is how much health the garlic drone has. The foot soldier zombie is also the run-and-gun character of the zombies side which, for those of you who forget, means that he can dish out a good amount of damage, and reload fast, but doesn't have that much health. Another great thing about the foot soldier zombie is its three unique abilities. The zombies also have three abilities which can be unlocked by leveling up your characters which you do by completing challenges that the game gives you. The first ability that you get is the zombie stink cloud. The zombie stink cloud is kind of like tear gas, but it hurts plants rapidly doing 2-3 damage per second. A strategy that you could use with the zombie stink cloud is using it as a shield. Since the cloud damages plants they won't be able to go in and find you. There are icons on the screen indicating who and where the players are allowing you to find and shoot the plants. The plants can do the same to you, but it will be a lot harder for them. The second ability that you unlock doesn't involve the zombie rooting himself into the ground, but instead lets him use the jet pack sort of thing on his back. The second ability that you get is the rocket jump. The foot soldier zombie has a jet pack/bazooka on his back that he uses for multiple things. Anyway, the rocket jump allows the the zombie to jump really high in the air, which can be used to escape dangerous situations, or it can be used to reach places that you couldn't normally reach. The third and final ability that you get is the ZPG. Unfortunately I don't know what ZPG stands for, but I do know what it does. It is an RPG that you lean over and shoot, using the bazooka part of your machine thing, firing a gigantic missile that does massive damage that will almost always one-shot an enemy. A very good and very effective strategy that you could use that involves all three of your abilities is that you can throw down a zombie stink cloud canister, rocket jump in the air, and while in the air use your ZPG, which can take down multiple targets. Now I will talk about the weapon upgrades. The upgrade for the zombie stink cloud is the super stink cloud. The super stink cloud only does more damage, and nothing else. At least nothing else that is out of my knowledge. The upgrade for the rocket jump ability is the rocket leap. The rocket leap isn't so much of an upgrade though. It just allows you to rocket jump a lot farther than the rocket jump, but at the cost of height. The third and final upgrade is the multi-rocket. The multi-rocket is for the ZPG, and shoots multiple rockets that do less damage, but you still shoot five of them that do 14-20 damage, which also doesn't include tons and tons of extra splash damage that wull get the job done. That is all for this time. Next time I will be talking about the Engineer Zombie. Until then. enjoy the game! :D


  1. Great background information and like how much information you put.

  2. Wow, that's a lot of information! Like Brent said, great background info.

  3. Very good Noah, and I think I know what ZPG stands for... Zombie Propelled Grenade.

  4. I like how you have a lot of information and I hope you enjoy writing all of that! Good work Noah!

  5. I google searched zpg heres what I found. (Zero population growth, sometimes abbreviated ZPG (also called the replacement level of fertility), is a condition of demographic balance where the number of people in a specified population neither grows nor declines, considered as a social aim by some.)

  6. I like it that you have a lot of information. Keep it up

  7. I did some research and I think from what I found that ZPG stands for Zombie-Plant Grenade
