Friday, October 31, 2014

Boss Mode

      One thing I forgot to mention about the characters is boss mode. Boss mode is exclusively on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Boss Mode allows you to be the two narrators of the game: Crazy Dave and Dr. Zomboss. Boss Mode lets you fly around in the character's vehicle and help out your teammates. Each boss gets similar abilities that will help your teammates, or help capture the objective, etc. During boss mode you get 2,000 health, and your screen shows a map of the map that you are playing on, and your teammates. When you are in boss mode you collect sun points (as Crazy Dave) that will randomly fall, and you can save those up for your abilities. Crazy Dave will fly around in his futuristic RV camper, and Dr. Zomboss will fly around in his zombie blimp thing. Crazy Dave will mostly help teammates. He doesn't have just three abilities. Instead, he has four. The abilities are the Coconut Spotting Station, the Revive Rainbow, the Twin Heal Flower, and the Cherry Strike. The Coconut Spotting Station is a radar that you can place in multiple places, and will tell you where the zombies are. When you use the Revive Rainbow ability you have to use it next to a teammate who is KO'd, and it will revive them. The twin heal flower is just a heal flower times two. If you think about it it's kind of like an upgrade for the heal flower, but the sunflower doesn't get to use it. The Twin Heal Flower, as you can guess, heals you twice as fast as a regular heal flower. Lastly is the cherry strike. You will launch a bunch of cherries like an airstrike in the place that you select. The cherries will do a TON of damage when they hit you, so make sure to steer clear of them.
      The next boss that you can play as is Dr. Zomboss. Dr. Zomboss is the narrator of the zombies side, and also flies around in a blimp type thing with a zombie head on the front. Dr. Zomboss's abilities are extremely similar to Crazy Dave's. The first one being the Superb Zomboss radar. You can still place multiple radars around the map, and they will still show you were your enemies are. The next ability that you get is the Reviving Brainz BBQ. The Reviving Brainz BBQ will act the same way as before. You have to place the ability right next to a teammate who is KO'd though. The third ability that you get is called the Zomboss Healing Station. The Zomboss Healing Station is like an improved version of the scientist's healing station. It heals a lot faster than a normal healing station. Which is the reason why it is very similar to the twin heal flower. The fourth and final ability that you get as Dr. Zomboss is the cone strike. This ability is actually similar to the engineer's drone's ability. The only big differences is that the bombs are bigger, and do A LOT of damage. That is all I have for this time; sorry if I messed up the information because I do not know much about boss mode. Until next time.

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