Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The Scientist

      So this time, like I said before, I will be over viewing the scientist. The scientist is the medic of the zombies' side. For those of you who forget, the medic is the one who does all of the healing, reviving, etc. Other plants and zombies can revive fallen teammates to, but they do it a lot slower than the medic. The scientist is a lot unlike the sunflower because it has sort of different abilities/upgrades, and because it has an entirely different weapon. The scientist has a shotgun type weapon that does an extremely high amount damage at close range, but doesn't or can't do that much damage at long range. Some of the different scientists that you unlock have a faster firing rate than the original one, and some also do more damage than others, but typically don't hold too much ammo or have a decreased range. The main difference the scientist has from the sunflower is because of his abilities. The sunflower only has one ability that actually does damage to the enemy which is completely different from the scientist's. For the scientist's abilities the first one you unlock is called the sticky explody ball. It is EXACTLY what the name says it is. It is a ball that can stick to any surface and explodes when an enemy walks past it or stands near it. The second ability that you unlock is the warp. The warp allows the scientist to teleport a short distance, and actually does a good amount of damage depending on what upgrade you use. The third and final upgrade that you get is the healing station. The healing station looks like a fire hydrant and sprays a strange purple liquid that heals you and other zombies around you, including non-player zombies. For upgrades there are actually two separate upgrades for the sticky explody ball. The first one is the mega heal bomb. The mega heal bomb actually works a little different. The scientist will throw out a really big spherical ball that has a medic sign on it and it takes a few seconds before it explodes, but when it does explode it heals you and other teammates and non-player zombies by a lot of health! The other upgrade you get actually comes with a character you unlock called Dr. Chester. Because Pop Cap, the creators of Plants Vs Zombies, teamed up with Cheetos, they came out with two new characters; one being Dr. Chester, and the other one being Chester Chomper. Anyway, the other upgrade that you get for the sticky explody ball is called the sticky cheetah ball. The sticky cheetah ball is just a more powerful version of the sticky explody ball and has no other differences. The next upgrade that you can get is for the warp, which is now called the energy warp. The energy warp is like the chomper's burrow ability, but instead there is no way of taking out your enemy, but you are invincible. There is also the cheesy warp, which is the upgrade that I mentioned earlier that does damage when you teleport near an enemy There is a game mode called gardens and graveyards in which the objective is to capture the gardens that the plants are protecting. A strategy you could use in this game mode is that you could use your energy warp and sit in that spot where nobody can hurt you, and letting you capture the objective. The third and final upgrade that you get is for the heal station that actually has two upgrades as well. The first one being the armored heal station. The armored heal station has four times the health as a normal heal station, and recharges faster, but actually heals a little slower than usual do to those effects. The second upgrade that you get for the heal station is the cheetah heal station. The cheetah heal station heals faster, but also despawns faster than normal. That is all for the scientist. Next time I will be rapping up the zombies side with the All-Star, which is my personal favorite zombie, and is also the tank of the zombies. Until then, enjoy the game! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


  1. Great Information!! Maybe you could split the character information up, so it isn't as long as it is. Then you would have to post less stuff because it would count toward your posts.

  2. Good job Noah, you had great information, but like Jon said, you might want to split the character info up so it is not as long.

  3. I agree with Jon, you really should split up the character info, so as to shorten it.

  4. Great information, however TMI NOT ENOUGH SPACE!!!!

  5. I think that you should tell more about the plants type of medic to show the difference more.

  6. Good job, Noah. Maybe you should make your posts into different paragraphs, though, as this was a little hard to read and understand.

  7. I haven't really ever played PvZ, but I have heard a lot of good stuff about it. I will hopefully be getting the game soon and maybe I can play with you! I would like to know more about the medic side of both of the teams, because if you don't know I like helping my teammates out and healing everyone.

  8. You should talk more about the different forms of the characters.

  9. I might buy the game, it sounds fun! Good information by the way. Good sized post.

  10. This is one of my favorite games! You do a great amount of explaining and have really informative information. Nice job.
