Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Potted Plants

          I have now, finally covered all of the characters, their abilities, and their upgrades. From now on I will be talking about some of the sort of small things. Now don't get me wrong; I will still be talking about the big things that happen, and the other major things that I haven't explained. What I am saying is that I will now be talking about, for example, are the game modes, unlock-able characters, strategies, etc. This time I will be talking about potted plants. Potted plants are actually very important when it comes to defense. You can't technically use them for offense, but I would say that there could be an exception. You can plant them near some of the enemies' spawn, but not very many. Anyway, potted plants are kind of like guardians that will shoot any zombie in their range, and will protect the objective. They won't, however, protect you in specific. There are a wide variety of potted plants that you can collect; each coming from sticker packs that you can get. You can have more than one at a time, and you can have every single one of them at the same time. For potted plants there is the Pea Cannon, the Pea Repeater, the Gatling Pea, the Bonk Choy, the Scaredy Shroom, the Heal Flower, the Fume Shroom, the Goop Shroom, the Snap Dragon, the Ice Shroom, the Doom Shroom, the Ice Peashooter, the Fire Peashooter, the Bamboo Shoot, and last, but certainly not least, the Laser Bean.
      Now some of these plants have what I call elemental effects. I will tell you about those effects once I get to them in the list. The Pea Cannon, Pea Repeater, and the Gatling Pea all do the same thing; they shoot peas at you. There is a difference though. The Pea Repeater shoots faster than the Pea Cannon, and the Pea Gatling shoots faster than the Pea Repeater. The Bonk Choy is actually pretty interesting. He looks like a cabbage with arms that are ready to get in a fight. He has a mean look on his face too. If an enemy gets close to him he will start punching them, doing 75 damage. An effective strategy for the Bonk Choy is placing him in a pot around a corner. An enemy will come around the corner, and will suddenly get uppercutted, dealing massive damage, and most likely vanquishing them. The Scaredy Shroom is a tall and skinny mushroom that will shoot zombies at a medium range, but if an enemy gets close to him he will stop shooting and start cowering in fear. The Heal Flower has the same ability as the Sunflower's ability, but it heals a lot slower. The Fume Shroom shoots a purple liquid that will hurt really bad, and will pierce armor. This is really effective against coffin zombies and others with strong armor. The Goop Shroom freezes enemies in their tracks by shooting green goop (that is similar to the Chomper's) at enemies that get too close to it. The Snap Dragon will breath flames on the enemies that get close to it, and will spray flames for a very long time doing a lot of damage. The Ice Shroom will freeze any zombies that come near it, the only down side is that it attacks slowly, and has to recharge after each attack. The Doom Shroom is my personal favorite, and every time an enemy comes close it hover in the air and make a BIG explosion. The Doom Shroom also has to recharge after it attacks. I forgot to mention that the Ice Shroom and the Doom Shroom will hide in their pots after each attack like the Scaredy Shroom. Next is the Ice Peashooter. The Ice Peashooter is one of the plants that has an elemental effect. What I mean is that when it shoots you repetitively it will start to slow you down, and freeze you for a short amount of time leaving you open to attacks, and will also keep shooting you while you are frozen. The Fire Peashooter also has an elemental effect. The Fire Peashooter only has to shoot you once though. It will set you on fire, dealing 5 damage for a few seconds every time it shoots you. It also does damage by hitting you too. The Bamboo Shoot is awesome. The Bamboo Shoot will shoot a giant rain of bamboo sticks at the area where the enemy is, doing massive damage. But because the Bamboo Shoot does this, it also has to recharge. Lastly is the Laser Bean. The Laser Bean is a new addition to Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare that comes in the new Legends of the Lawns sticker pack. The Laser Bean will rapidly shoot lasers at the target, doing exactly eight damage. Laser beans are very effective in large groups because of their rapid fire lasers. So if you ever have the chance, (especially in Gardens and Graveyards) plants as many of these guys as possible. That is all for this time; next time I will be explaining summoned zombies. Until next time; I hope you guys enjoy this action packed game just as much as I do!

1 comment:

  1. Your information was very good! You did a good job explaining what to do. I used to play this game, and thought it was fun. Maybe i might play it again. :)
