Monday, September 15, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The Sunflower

      The sunflower is the medic class of the plant side. The medic is the one who does all of the major healing, faster reviving, etc. Although the sunflower is weak, it can dish out a good amount of damage. The sunflower typically has a lot of ammunition. With the amount of ammunition the sunflower has, and depending on how much skill you have, you can easily take down an All-Star. The sunflower also can shoot very fast, making it easier to take down targets with the amount of damage she has. The sunflower, like the rest of the playable characters, has three unique abilities. The first you unlock will be the heal beam. The heal beam, as stated in the name, is a heal beam. Once you activate it the beam it will target the nearest player, or potted plant, and send them a thin glowing line that will heal them at a medium pace. The second ability you will unlock is the sun beam. The sun beam is similar to the pea Gatling ability, where the sunflower roots herself into the ground and blasts what looks like a giant heal beam, that doesn't actually heal, that will do a ton of damage, usually 6-8, at an extremely fast pace. The third, and final, ability you will unlock is the heal flower. The heal flower is a miniature sunflower that will quickly generate what looks like sun points (your main source of energy used to survive in the first few games) that will quickly heal you and or the other players around it. A strategy you could use if you are the sunflower, if you are at low health and are surrounded by a lot of zombies, is you can plant heal flower and then activate your sun beam ability, and then you will be virtually indestructible because the heal flower will act as a health regenerating shield. So unless you are hit with a ZPG (one of the foot soldier zombie's ability) to the face, you will be almost invincible. If you are lucky enough, you will get some of the sunflower's weapon upgrades. The rainbow beam, which is the upgraded ability of the heal beam, is absolutely positively no different from the heal beam except for the fact that instead of the glowing line, it is a rainbow. The next upgrade is the solar flare beam, which is the upgraded version of the sun beam. What it starts out like is four tiny green lines of sun beam intersecting into each other, turning into a big green, and a lot more powerful sun beam. The next and final upgrade is the dark flower. The dark flower is the upgraded version of the heal flower. Essentially, the dark flower is the complete opposite of the heal flower because it is evil. Instead of creating small little sun points and healing players, it shoots thin red lasers at other opponents, causing a good amount of damage. Heal flowers and dark flowers can both be killed, (if not they will despawn after a certain amount of time) so you will want to protect them so you can get the full package from them. Those are the basics of the sunflower. Next time I will be over viewing the chomper, the tank of the plants. I hope this helped a lot, and until then, enjoy the game! :D

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