Friday, September 19, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The Chomper

    This time I will be over viewing the Chomper. The chomper is known as the tank, meaning it has a ton of health. The chomper has one main attack, and I bet you can guess what it is. The chomper's bites do 25, or very close to 25, damage. The good thing about the chomper is that there are multiple one's that you can unlock. My personal favorite is the fire chomper. The fire chomper doesn't actually bite the opponents, so instead it sprays flames at them. Unfortunately you cannot spray flames forever, so it will stop after a certain amount of time, leaving you vulnerable. A good target to pick off while being a chomper is the scientist. The scientist has the lowest amount of health so you can easily chomp it to death. A cool thing about the chomper is that if you are behind a zombie a red target looking thing, (a pair of chomper jaws) and if you press the trigger button while that target is showing you will stick the zombie to your tongue and swallow eat him. The only down side is that it takes time to eat and swallow the zombie, thus making you vulnerable. So if you are surrounded by zombies you will most likely die because you wont be able to use any of your abilities, and it will also make you a little bit slower. Although, if you eat the zombie they will be unrevivable. Like the peashooter and sunflower the chomper has three unique abilities. The first one that you unlock is the goop. What the chomper does is he spits a purple goop at the zombies making them unable to move, giving the chomper time to swoop in for the kill. Unlike the peashooter and sunflower the chomper does not root itself into the ground, instead it has the ability called burrow. What the chomper does is he burrows underground and starts moving swiftly underground. If you are under a zombie while using the burrow ability a big red target will appear which will enable you to come up from the ground and eat the zombie. The chomper's third and final ability is to spray spikeweed on the ground. What spikeweed does is when a zombie steps over it it will be grabbed by the ankle, and stuck in the air. Although it does do a small amount of damage the purpose of the spikeweed is to give the chomper time to swoop in and eat the target while they are hanging in the air. The spikeweed only puts the zombie in the air for a very small amount of time so you will have to quickly make your way to where you put your spikeweed. That is it for this time, so next time I will be over viewing the cactus, or the sniper of the class. Until then, enjoy the game! :D

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