Monday, November 17, 2014

Unlockable Peashooters

      Every playable character in Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare has a variety of sub-characters that you can unlock. This time I will be explaining how to obtain and unlock these characters, but I will be talking specifically about the Peashooter for now. Later I will keep on going from character to character, and talking about what those specific characters do. You obtain most of these Peashooters through sticker packs. You buy sticker packs with coins that you earn by playing the game modes that the game has to offer. However, after leveling up after level 3 you will get a sticker pack containing 3 items. After level 4 those sticker packs will contain a character piece. Each time you level up after that, you will keep getting stickers. Eventually, at level 10, you will get a complete character. For the Peashooter that would be the Fire Pea.
      For the Peashooters that you unlock, obtain, and automatically get, there is the Fire Pea, the Ice Pea, the Toxic Pea, the Commando Pea, the Agent Pea, the Law Pea, the Berry Shooter, and the Plasma Pea. Most of these Peashooters have elemental effects that can damage, or do something different, to the enemy. First off is the Fire Peashooter. The Fire Peashooter is kind of like the potted plant. They look very similar and even have the same elemental effect. Every time you hit them, no matter if it is direct or splash damage, you will set them on fire for a very brief amount of time. The fire damage will be rapid, and will do 5 damage every time. This is very helpful if the enemy you hit has low health and escapes. You won't have to chase them down because the fire will KO them. The Ice Pea is also very similar to the potted plant version. The Ice Pea will do a lot of damage when you get a direct hit. When you start attacking an enemy you will notice some snowflakes around them. They will also start to turn a light shade of blue. After you hit them a certain amount of times they will freeze in place with ice under their feet; giving you time to attack and deal massive damage. The Toxic Pea is one of my favorites. The Toxic Pea has another elemental effect: toxic. Toxic damage will do 2 damage for a short while; a little longer than the fire effect. Even standing near a Toxic Pea will inflict the toxic effect. The pea just has to fly past your head too; let alone hit them. So besides doing good damage on its own, the Toxic Pea is pretty over powered. The Commando Pea is actually pretty interesting. The Commando Pea is a fully automatic Peashooter. It is actually a lot less over powered than you probably think. Though it fires fast, it has a little bit of recoil, and the peas do 9-13 damage. The Commando Pea doesn't have any other special differences or anything. The Agent Pea is my personal favorite. It fires as fast as you can press the trigger button. Though it doesn't do as much damage as any other peashooter, it fires rapidly (depending if you can fire the trigger button fast enough) and also does a good amount of damage. The Law Pea looks like a Peashooter dressed up as an old, wild west, sheriff. The Law Pea is also fully automatic, but only shoots six bullets. The six bullets actually represents the ammo of a revolver, which was a common weapon back in those days. The Law Pea will also do as much damage as a a regular Peashooter too; making it ridiculously over powered. You actually get both the Berry Shooter and the Plasma Pea through a sticker pack that is given to you for free. The Berry Shooter actually represents the new Aquafina flavor. It doesn't have any special effects whatsoever. The Plasma Pea can actually charge up a shot. When it is fully charged it will implode, and then explode, doing massive damage. You can also fire really fast on your own. That is all for this time. Next time will be the Sunflower. So until next time!


  1. Noah,
    When you are talking about the Commando peashooter you repeat fully automatic. I love this game, and really enjoy the Plant side. Which side do you prefer while playing online?


  2. Noah,
    I love the info have always loved the game cant wait until the next post

  3. Noah,
    You do a great of explaining everything about this game. I love this game but I haven't played for a while. I can't wait to see what your next post is.


  4. Dear Noah,
    I really want Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, but I don't want to spend my money on it. What do you suggest? One last thing, which team do you prefer to play on? Plants or Zombies?


  5. Dear Noah,
    You did great on explaining everything, but it was a little hard to follow. I suggest breaking it up into more paragraphs so it's easier to understand.


  6. Dear Noah,
    Even though I have never played this game, you give great examples of what its like.

  7. Hey Noah! I would like to point out that your blog is very descriptive and I love reading about all the information about your topics. I remember you talking about the pea shooter one time over xbox and I've wanted to know more about it, because of this post you have answered ALL my questions about this topic!

  8. I didn't understand why this game was so popular at first, but after reading your posts, I see clearly why every one loves it so much, and, once all the new games get released, I will save up for this game.

  9. Hey Noah,
    Maybe we can talk about games we have played for my blog. By the way great information on PVZ.
    Your friend
