Friday, October 31, 2014

Boss Mode

      One thing I forgot to mention about the characters is boss mode. Boss mode is exclusively on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Boss Mode allows you to be the two narrators of the game: Crazy Dave and Dr. Zomboss. Boss Mode lets you fly around in the character's vehicle and help out your teammates. Each boss gets similar abilities that will help your teammates, or help capture the objective, etc. During boss mode you get 2,000 health, and your screen shows a map of the map that you are playing on, and your teammates. When you are in boss mode you collect sun points (as Crazy Dave) that will randomly fall, and you can save those up for your abilities. Crazy Dave will fly around in his futuristic RV camper, and Dr. Zomboss will fly around in his zombie blimp thing. Crazy Dave will mostly help teammates. He doesn't have just three abilities. Instead, he has four. The abilities are the Coconut Spotting Station, the Revive Rainbow, the Twin Heal Flower, and the Cherry Strike. The Coconut Spotting Station is a radar that you can place in multiple places, and will tell you where the zombies are. When you use the Revive Rainbow ability you have to use it next to a teammate who is KO'd, and it will revive them. The twin heal flower is just a heal flower times two. If you think about it it's kind of like an upgrade for the heal flower, but the sunflower doesn't get to use it. The Twin Heal Flower, as you can guess, heals you twice as fast as a regular heal flower. Lastly is the cherry strike. You will launch a bunch of cherries like an airstrike in the place that you select. The cherries will do a TON of damage when they hit you, so make sure to steer clear of them.
      The next boss that you can play as is Dr. Zomboss. Dr. Zomboss is the narrator of the zombies side, and also flies around in a blimp type thing with a zombie head on the front. Dr. Zomboss's abilities are extremely similar to Crazy Dave's. The first one being the Superb Zomboss radar. You can still place multiple radars around the map, and they will still show you were your enemies are. The next ability that you get is the Reviving Brainz BBQ. The Reviving Brainz BBQ will act the same way as before. You have to place the ability right next to a teammate who is KO'd though. The third ability that you get is called the Zomboss Healing Station. The Zomboss Healing Station is like an improved version of the scientist's healing station. It heals a lot faster than a normal healing station. Which is the reason why it is very similar to the twin heal flower. The fourth and final ability that you get as Dr. Zomboss is the cone strike. This ability is actually similar to the engineer's drone's ability. The only big differences is that the bombs are bigger, and do A LOT of damage. That is all I have for this time; sorry if I messed up the information because I do not know much about boss mode. Until next time.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The All-Star

      It is now time to finish up the zombies. This time I will be talking about the All-Star. The All-Star is the tank of the zombies. For those who forgot, the tank is the one who has A LOT of health. The All-Star has the most health out of main the zombies and the plants. By main I just mean out of the characters you start with, and not the ones that you can unlock. The All-Star has a whopping 200 health, so you will always want to have these guys at the front line whenever you are attacking. In order to not make the All-Star
overpowered it has a gun that does 3-6 damage. However, the All-Star's gun doesn't have to reload because it can fire for a very long time. It can, however, overcharge, but the cool down time only lasts for a max of about 5-7 seconds. One thing that I have noticed about the zombies is that the characters are based on the subject that they have been given. By that I mean that they are kind of categorized. For example, the all of the All-Star's unlockable characters are different types sports players. The engineer's are different types of everyday workers. The scientist's are just different kinds of scientists that study different things. Finally, the foot soldier's are different kinds of ranks of military. Also, another thing that I thought was kind of cool is that the All-Stars shoot whatever their name describes they are. For example the All-Star shoots foot balls at the enemies, the baseball star shoots baseballs, and so on.
      Like all of the other characters the All-Star has his share of abilities and upgrades. The first ability you unlock being the imp punt. The imp is just a small tiny little zombie that you can summon to attack players, but the same rules don't apply in this case. The imp punt allows the All-Star to kick an imp that looks like a little fan boy with a foam finger in one hand, and a drink in another. After about a couple of seconds after you kick the imp he will explode. The ability is very similar to the peashooter's chili bean bomb and has the same properties. When it explodes it will almost always kill anybody within its radius, even if you are on the edge of it. The second ability that you unlock is called the sprint tackle. The sprint tackle does what it says. The All-Star will quickly "sprint" at you, and if it hits you it will deal a devastating amount of damage. Finally, the last ability that you unlock is called the dummy shield. The All-Star will summon a tackle dummy that ordinary foot ball players use for practice, and use it as a shield. You can only place down two shields, and when one of them is destroyed and your ability is finished recharging, you can place down another one. This acts like the cactus' tall nut battlement ability, except the only difference is that the dummy shield actually covers your entire body instead of leaving your face open to attacks.
      Now I will begin to explain the upgrades for these abilities. The first one being for the imp punt, which is called the long bomb. Instead of kicking the imp a short distance, which I forgot to explain, the All-Star now kicks the imp a far ways away. This is very effective if you are behind a dummy shield and there is a group of plants behind it. What you can do is that you can back up a little so that the long bomb doesn't bounce off the dummy shield and destroy it, and then use the long bomb ability. Those group of plants will most likely be gone, and if not you can sprint tackle the rest of them. That leads me to the second upgrade which is for the sprint tackle, but instead is now called the ultra tackle. The ultra tackle is only more powerful than the sprint tackle. It might cover more distance, but from my knowledge, it doesn't. This is also helpful if there is a group of plants standing right next to each other. You simply just activate your ability and aim for the group of plants. The ultra tackle will almost one-hit-kill your target, but not quite. One thing I forgot to mention about the tackles is that they both send your enemies flying a short distance. The third and final upgrade that you get is for the dummy shield, which is now called the shield decoy. The shield decoy is actually a lot weaker version of the dummy shield, but instead of only being able to place two of them, you are now able to place four of them.
      That is all for this time. Next time I will be talking about general stuff that will help you out, and also I will be talking about some more information about the game in general. The posts will probably not concern the characters unless it's about the characters that you are able to unlock. Until next time!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The Scientist

      So this time, like I said before, I will be over viewing the scientist. The scientist is the medic of the zombies' side. For those of you who forget, the medic is the one who does all of the healing, reviving, etc. Other plants and zombies can revive fallen teammates to, but they do it a lot slower than the medic. The scientist is a lot unlike the sunflower because it has sort of different abilities/upgrades, and because it has an entirely different weapon. The scientist has a shotgun type weapon that does an extremely high amount damage at close range, but doesn't or can't do that much damage at long range. Some of the different scientists that you unlock have a faster firing rate than the original one, and some also do more damage than others, but typically don't hold too much ammo or have a decreased range. The main difference the scientist has from the sunflower is because of his abilities. The sunflower only has one ability that actually does damage to the enemy which is completely different from the scientist's. For the scientist's abilities the first one you unlock is called the sticky explody ball. It is EXACTLY what the name says it is. It is a ball that can stick to any surface and explodes when an enemy walks past it or stands near it. The second ability that you unlock is the warp. The warp allows the scientist to teleport a short distance, and actually does a good amount of damage depending on what upgrade you use. The third and final upgrade that you get is the healing station. The healing station looks like a fire hydrant and sprays a strange purple liquid that heals you and other zombies around you, including non-player zombies. For upgrades there are actually two separate upgrades for the sticky explody ball. The first one is the mega heal bomb. The mega heal bomb actually works a little different. The scientist will throw out a really big spherical ball that has a medic sign on it and it takes a few seconds before it explodes, but when it does explode it heals you and other teammates and non-player zombies by a lot of health! The other upgrade you get actually comes with a character you unlock called Dr. Chester. Because Pop Cap, the creators of Plants Vs Zombies, teamed up with Cheetos, they came out with two new characters; one being Dr. Chester, and the other one being Chester Chomper. Anyway, the other upgrade that you get for the sticky explody ball is called the sticky cheetah ball. The sticky cheetah ball is just a more powerful version of the sticky explody ball and has no other differences. The next upgrade that you can get is for the warp, which is now called the energy warp. The energy warp is like the chomper's burrow ability, but instead there is no way of taking out your enemy, but you are invincible. There is also the cheesy warp, which is the upgrade that I mentioned earlier that does damage when you teleport near an enemy There is a game mode called gardens and graveyards in which the objective is to capture the gardens that the plants are protecting. A strategy you could use in this game mode is that you could use your energy warp and sit in that spot where nobody can hurt you, and letting you capture the objective. The third and final upgrade that you get is for the heal station that actually has two upgrades as well. The first one being the armored heal station. The armored heal station has four times the health as a normal heal station, and recharges faster, but actually heals a little slower than usual do to those effects. The second upgrade that you get for the heal station is the cheetah heal station. The cheetah heal station heals faster, but also despawns faster than normal. That is all for the scientist. Next time I will be rapping up the zombies side with the All-Star, which is my personal favorite zombie, and is also the tank of the zombies. Until then, enjoy the game! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Basic Uses Of The Engineer Zombie

 This time I will be talking about the Engineer Zombie, how to use it, and his abilities/upgrades. The Engineer is a little strange because he isn't exactly like the plants side. The zombies don't exactly have a sniper, but most of the zombies can shoot a fair distance or the distance of a sniper. The Engineer can't shoot as far as most of the zombies, but it can still shoot pretty far. The Engineer has the same amount of health as the foot soldier zombie, which is approximately 125. The thing about the Engineer is that it is kind of unpredictable. He does dish out a lot of damage no matter what type of engineer you are using. The strange thing about him is that he is like a mix between the peashooter (run-and-gun) and the cactus (sniper). The reason for that is because he does A LOT of damage, has a good amount of health, and has a pretty fast reload time. The Engineer is actually more like the cactus because he has similar abilities. The reason he is also like the peashooter is because he does splash damage and has about the same time in between shots and what not. For his abilities the first one you unlock is the sonic grenade. The sonic grenade is actually pretty overpowered. What the sonic grenade does is it stuns enemies after about a second when you throw it out. The stun time is ridiculous, giving you time to wipe out an entire group of plants. Also, if a chomper is coming at you with his burrow ability you can actually force him to pop out of the ground and stun him, giving you time to take him out. The second ability that you unlock is the zombot drone. The zombot drone is just the zombie version of the garlic drone. It has the exact same health, does the same amount of damage, and has a similar ability called the cone strike, which instead of launching corn on the cob missiles, it drops a bunch of bombs on your head. The third and final ability that you get is the jackhammer. The jackhammer is similar to the the peashooter's hyper ability. What the jackhammer does is make the Engineer a lot faster, and it actually lasts a lot longer than hyper mode. For upgrades, you will get proximity sonic mines, the rocket drone, and the turbo jackhammer. The proximity sonic mines are just the sonic grenades, except they are mines. They still stun enemies for a certain amount of time, and do pretty much nothing else. The mines are also another reason the Engineer is like the cactus. The rocket drone is just the upgraded version of the zombot drone. Instead of shooting thin red laser things at you, it shoots one giant purple laser at you, doing a lot more damage, and making it a little easier to hit the targets. It also still has the same ability as before too. The third and final upgrade that you get, as mentioned before, is the turbo jackhammer. The turbo jackhammer is just a faster version of the regular jackhammer, but it doesn't last nearly as long. That is it for this time. Next time I will be talking about the scientist, or the medic of the zombie side. Until next time, enjoy the game! :D