Monday, November 17, 2014

Unlockable Peashooters

      Every playable character in Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare has a variety of sub-characters that you can unlock. This time I will be explaining how to obtain and unlock these characters, but I will be talking specifically about the Peashooter for now. Later I will keep on going from character to character, and talking about what those specific characters do. You obtain most of these Peashooters through sticker packs. You buy sticker packs with coins that you earn by playing the game modes that the game has to offer. However, after leveling up after level 3 you will get a sticker pack containing 3 items. After level 4 those sticker packs will contain a character piece. Each time you level up after that, you will keep getting stickers. Eventually, at level 10, you will get a complete character. For the Peashooter that would be the Fire Pea.
      For the Peashooters that you unlock, obtain, and automatically get, there is the Fire Pea, the Ice Pea, the Toxic Pea, the Commando Pea, the Agent Pea, the Law Pea, the Berry Shooter, and the Plasma Pea. Most of these Peashooters have elemental effects that can damage, or do something different, to the enemy. First off is the Fire Peashooter. The Fire Peashooter is kind of like the potted plant. They look very similar and even have the same elemental effect. Every time you hit them, no matter if it is direct or splash damage, you will set them on fire for a very brief amount of time. The fire damage will be rapid, and will do 5 damage every time. This is very helpful if the enemy you hit has low health and escapes. You won't have to chase them down because the fire will KO them. The Ice Pea is also very similar to the potted plant version. The Ice Pea will do a lot of damage when you get a direct hit. When you start attacking an enemy you will notice some snowflakes around them. They will also start to turn a light shade of blue. After you hit them a certain amount of times they will freeze in place with ice under their feet; giving you time to attack and deal massive damage. The Toxic Pea is one of my favorites. The Toxic Pea has another elemental effect: toxic. Toxic damage will do 2 damage for a short while; a little longer than the fire effect. Even standing near a Toxic Pea will inflict the toxic effect. The pea just has to fly past your head too; let alone hit them. So besides doing good damage on its own, the Toxic Pea is pretty over powered. The Commando Pea is actually pretty interesting. The Commando Pea is a fully automatic Peashooter. It is actually a lot less over powered than you probably think. Though it fires fast, it has a little bit of recoil, and the peas do 9-13 damage. The Commando Pea doesn't have any other special differences or anything. The Agent Pea is my personal favorite. It fires as fast as you can press the trigger button. Though it doesn't do as much damage as any other peashooter, it fires rapidly (depending if you can fire the trigger button fast enough) and also does a good amount of damage. The Law Pea looks like a Peashooter dressed up as an old, wild west, sheriff. The Law Pea is also fully automatic, but only shoots six bullets. The six bullets actually represents the ammo of a revolver, which was a common weapon back in those days. The Law Pea will also do as much damage as a a regular Peashooter too; making it ridiculously over powered. You actually get both the Berry Shooter and the Plasma Pea through a sticker pack that is given to you for free. The Berry Shooter actually represents the new Aquafina flavor. It doesn't have any special effects whatsoever. The Plasma Pea can actually charge up a shot. When it is fully charged it will implode, and then explode, doing massive damage. You can also fire really fast on your own. That is all for this time. Next time will be the Sunflower. So until next time!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Summoned Zombies

      Summoned zombies are just like the potted plants, but for zombies. The difference is you don't plant them in a pot. Summoned zombies can be very effective and efficient during game modes were the plants have to defend the objectives. The zombies that you summon move around too; making it harder for your enemies and potted plants to hit them. Some summoned zombies have armor on them, so what that means is that when an enemy plant hits them they will be doing damage to their armor, and not the zombie. Plants can destroy the armor, but it takes a while, and if they are focused on destroying the zombie's armor; that will just make it that much easier to vanquish them. However, some potted plants, and elemental effects can go straight through the armor, and directly damage the zombie. Peashooters can do splash damage to those that have armor, but it won't do that much. Elemental effects do most of the damage, which is very useful if you are one of the unlockable plant characters. The special Chompers that you can unlock do the most damage against these armored zombies. The elemental Chompers will spray whatever their name says they spray, and will deal direct damage to the zombie. Also, the Fume Shroom will deal direct damage to the zombie, but not much. If an armored zombie with full health targeted a Fume Shroom; it would most likely win.
      For the summoned zombies there is the Brown Coat, the Cone Head, the Bucket Head, the Flag Zombie, the Newspaper Zombie, the Screen Door Zombie, the Coffin Zombie, the Outhouse Zombie, the Exploding Imp, the Map Pirate, the Barrel Pirate, the Backup Dancer, the Vampire Zombie, the Heal Zombie, and lastly, one of my favorites, the Yeti Imp. The Brown Coat just looks like a zombie from the original Plants vs Zombies game. He has a brown coat and blue jeans, and will just run around pretty quickly and do a little bit of damage; you will be able to one-shot him with just about anything, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The Cone Head is just the same as the Brown Coat, but with a cone on his head. The cone magically gives the zombie more health, but just a little. You can easily take out a Cone Head. Same thing with the Bucket Head. The only difference is the bucket has a little more health than the cone. The Flag Zombie is just a Brown Coat holding a flag. There really isn't any other difference other than the flag... The Newspaper Zombie has a black coat, black hair, glasses, and a newspaper. The Newspaper Zombie is actually a bit tougher than the others that I have mentioned so far. The Newspaper acts as a little bit of armor that covers the zombie. Once you destroy the newspaper the zombie will start running a lot faster at you. The Screen Door Zombie is a Brown Coat with a screen door. The screen door has a lot of health too. You can actually go behind the zombie and deal direct damage. Fume Shrooms can also deal direct damage through the screen door. The Coffin Zombie, Outhouse Zombie, and the Barrel Pirate, all share the same qualities. They all have something that covers their whole bodies with massive amounts of armor. The Coffin Zombie has a coffin, the Outhouse Zombie has a port-a-potty, and the Barrel Pirate has a barrel. This is where elemental effects would come in handy. Chompers in specific. Elemental effects will normally do small amounts of direct damage, but every little but counts! Chompers, however, can deal massive amounts of direct damage. Also, Chompers can go behind and under these zombies and eat their armor. Armor takes a less time to eat though, so you will then be able to eat them quicker. The Exploding Imp is a small little zombie that rolls around on a bomb. Exploding Imps aren't too much of a threat though, and that is because they don't have much health. When they explode, however, they will do massive damage. So you might want to send these little guys in groups. The Map Pirate is just like a Newspaper Zombie, but he is a pirate, and also has a map instead of a newspaper. The Backup Dancer normally spawns in Garden Ops when the Disco Zombie is on the map. Now you can use him multiplayer! They will dance wherever they go, and will even dance while attacking. They only have the same amount of health as a Cone Head though. The Vampire Zombie also has the same amount of health as a Cone Head. Every time the Vampire Zombie attacks it will gain five health back. The Heal Zombie is the most helpful zombie ever. He will go around and heal you until you are full.  Lastly, but most certainly not least, is the Yeti Imp. The Yeti Imp looks like an Imp with white fur everywhere in his body except his face. This Imp doesn't roll around on anything; instead he walks around and looks for target. One last thing. When the Yeti Imp explodes it will will freeze you the same way an Ice Shroom does. That is all for this time. Next time will be a little different then before. UNTIL THEN!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Potted Plants

          I have now, finally covered all of the characters, their abilities, and their upgrades. From now on I will be talking about some of the sort of small things. Now don't get me wrong; I will still be talking about the big things that happen, and the other major things that I haven't explained. What I am saying is that I will now be talking about, for example, are the game modes, unlock-able characters, strategies, etc. This time I will be talking about potted plants. Potted plants are actually very important when it comes to defense. You can't technically use them for offense, but I would say that there could be an exception. You can plant them near some of the enemies' spawn, but not very many. Anyway, potted plants are kind of like guardians that will shoot any zombie in their range, and will protect the objective. They won't, however, protect you in specific. There are a wide variety of potted plants that you can collect; each coming from sticker packs that you can get. You can have more than one at a time, and you can have every single one of them at the same time. For potted plants there is the Pea Cannon, the Pea Repeater, the Gatling Pea, the Bonk Choy, the Scaredy Shroom, the Heal Flower, the Fume Shroom, the Goop Shroom, the Snap Dragon, the Ice Shroom, the Doom Shroom, the Ice Peashooter, the Fire Peashooter, the Bamboo Shoot, and last, but certainly not least, the Laser Bean.
      Now some of these plants have what I call elemental effects. I will tell you about those effects once I get to them in the list. The Pea Cannon, Pea Repeater, and the Gatling Pea all do the same thing; they shoot peas at you. There is a difference though. The Pea Repeater shoots faster than the Pea Cannon, and the Pea Gatling shoots faster than the Pea Repeater. The Bonk Choy is actually pretty interesting. He looks like a cabbage with arms that are ready to get in a fight. He has a mean look on his face too. If an enemy gets close to him he will start punching them, doing 75 damage. An effective strategy for the Bonk Choy is placing him in a pot around a corner. An enemy will come around the corner, and will suddenly get uppercutted, dealing massive damage, and most likely vanquishing them. The Scaredy Shroom is a tall and skinny mushroom that will shoot zombies at a medium range, but if an enemy gets close to him he will stop shooting and start cowering in fear. The Heal Flower has the same ability as the Sunflower's ability, but it heals a lot slower. The Fume Shroom shoots a purple liquid that will hurt really bad, and will pierce armor. This is really effective against coffin zombies and others with strong armor. The Goop Shroom freezes enemies in their tracks by shooting green goop (that is similar to the Chomper's) at enemies that get too close to it. The Snap Dragon will breath flames on the enemies that get close to it, and will spray flames for a very long time doing a lot of damage. The Ice Shroom will freeze any zombies that come near it, the only down side is that it attacks slowly, and has to recharge after each attack. The Doom Shroom is my personal favorite, and every time an enemy comes close it hover in the air and make a BIG explosion. The Doom Shroom also has to recharge after it attacks. I forgot to mention that the Ice Shroom and the Doom Shroom will hide in their pots after each attack like the Scaredy Shroom. Next is the Ice Peashooter. The Ice Peashooter is one of the plants that has an elemental effect. What I mean is that when it shoots you repetitively it will start to slow you down, and freeze you for a short amount of time leaving you open to attacks, and will also keep shooting you while you are frozen. The Fire Peashooter also has an elemental effect. The Fire Peashooter only has to shoot you once though. It will set you on fire, dealing 5 damage for a few seconds every time it shoots you. It also does damage by hitting you too. The Bamboo Shoot is awesome. The Bamboo Shoot will shoot a giant rain of bamboo sticks at the area where the enemy is, doing massive damage. But because the Bamboo Shoot does this, it also has to recharge. Lastly is the Laser Bean. The Laser Bean is a new addition to Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare that comes in the new Legends of the Lawns sticker pack. The Laser Bean will rapidly shoot lasers at the target, doing exactly eight damage. Laser beans are very effective in large groups because of their rapid fire lasers. So if you ever have the chance, (especially in Gardens and Graveyards) plants as many of these guys as possible. That is all for this time; next time I will be explaining summoned zombies. Until next time; I hope you guys enjoy this action packed game just as much as I do!