Friday, November 14, 2014

Summoned Zombies

      Summoned zombies are just like the potted plants, but for zombies. The difference is you don't plant them in a pot. Summoned zombies can be very effective and efficient during game modes were the plants have to defend the objectives. The zombies that you summon move around too; making it harder for your enemies and potted plants to hit them. Some summoned zombies have armor on them, so what that means is that when an enemy plant hits them they will be doing damage to their armor, and not the zombie. Plants can destroy the armor, but it takes a while, and if they are focused on destroying the zombie's armor; that will just make it that much easier to vanquish them. However, some potted plants, and elemental effects can go straight through the armor, and directly damage the zombie. Peashooters can do splash damage to those that have armor, but it won't do that much. Elemental effects do most of the damage, which is very useful if you are one of the unlockable plant characters. The special Chompers that you can unlock do the most damage against these armored zombies. The elemental Chompers will spray whatever their name says they spray, and will deal direct damage to the zombie. Also, the Fume Shroom will deal direct damage to the zombie, but not much. If an armored zombie with full health targeted a Fume Shroom; it would most likely win.
      For the summoned zombies there is the Brown Coat, the Cone Head, the Bucket Head, the Flag Zombie, the Newspaper Zombie, the Screen Door Zombie, the Coffin Zombie, the Outhouse Zombie, the Exploding Imp, the Map Pirate, the Barrel Pirate, the Backup Dancer, the Vampire Zombie, the Heal Zombie, and lastly, one of my favorites, the Yeti Imp. The Brown Coat just looks like a zombie from the original Plants vs Zombies game. He has a brown coat and blue jeans, and will just run around pretty quickly and do a little bit of damage; you will be able to one-shot him with just about anything, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The Cone Head is just the same as the Brown Coat, but with a cone on his head. The cone magically gives the zombie more health, but just a little. You can easily take out a Cone Head. Same thing with the Bucket Head. The only difference is the bucket has a little more health than the cone. The Flag Zombie is just a Brown Coat holding a flag. There really isn't any other difference other than the flag... The Newspaper Zombie has a black coat, black hair, glasses, and a newspaper. The Newspaper Zombie is actually a bit tougher than the others that I have mentioned so far. The Newspaper acts as a little bit of armor that covers the zombie. Once you destroy the newspaper the zombie will start running a lot faster at you. The Screen Door Zombie is a Brown Coat with a screen door. The screen door has a lot of health too. You can actually go behind the zombie and deal direct damage. Fume Shrooms can also deal direct damage through the screen door. The Coffin Zombie, Outhouse Zombie, and the Barrel Pirate, all share the same qualities. They all have something that covers their whole bodies with massive amounts of armor. The Coffin Zombie has a coffin, the Outhouse Zombie has a port-a-potty, and the Barrel Pirate has a barrel. This is where elemental effects would come in handy. Chompers in specific. Elemental effects will normally do small amounts of direct damage, but every little but counts! Chompers, however, can deal massive amounts of direct damage. Also, Chompers can go behind and under these zombies and eat their armor. Armor takes a less time to eat though, so you will then be able to eat them quicker. The Exploding Imp is a small little zombie that rolls around on a bomb. Exploding Imps aren't too much of a threat though, and that is because they don't have much health. When they explode, however, they will do massive damage. So you might want to send these little guys in groups. The Map Pirate is just like a Newspaper Zombie, but he is a pirate, and also has a map instead of a newspaper. The Backup Dancer normally spawns in Garden Ops when the Disco Zombie is on the map. Now you can use him multiplayer! They will dance wherever they go, and will even dance while attacking. They only have the same amount of health as a Cone Head though. The Vampire Zombie also has the same amount of health as a Cone Head. Every time the Vampire Zombie attacks it will gain five health back. The Heal Zombie is the most helpful zombie ever. He will go around and heal you until you are full.  Lastly, but most certainly not least, is the Yeti Imp. The Yeti Imp looks like an Imp with white fur everywhere in his body except his face. This Imp doesn't roll around on anything; instead he walks around and looks for target. One last thing. When the Yeti Imp explodes it will will freeze you the same way an Ice Shroom does. That is all for this time. Next time will be a little different then before. UNTIL THEN!


  1. Thank you! I've really needed help beating my friends when they're plants and I'm zombies, they always beat me. Can you explain potted plants next?

    1. Potted plants is actually my previous post.

    2. Here is the link for it if you want to check it out. :D
      You will have to copy and paste it into the url.
