Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Basics

          Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare is a third person shooter, meaning you play from a movie type view, with a variety of characters, both plants and zombies, and game modes. In the game there are four different types of plants and zombies, both with a variety of sub-characters. For plants you will meet the peashooter, the chomper, the sunflower, and the cactus. The peashooter is the run-and-gun type of character, meaning he does a lot of damage and reloads fast, but doesn't have a lot of health, 125 to be exact. Each character in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare has three unique abilities, each of those abilities can be upgraded via sticker packs. Sticker packs are your main source of items, characters, upgrades, and weapon upgrades. So, getting back to the topic, the peashooter's three abilities are the chili bean bomb, pea Gatling, and hyper mode. The chili bean bomb is what it says, it is a chili bean bomb that will kill anything that is within it's radius, and will also attract non-player zombies. Pea Gatling is an ability that makes the peashooter dig itself into the ground, stand guard, and shoot extremely fast. Even though it doesn't do too much damage, you still fire really fast, and can probably take out a hoard of zombies with it. Hyper is basically the peashooter on steroids and a sugar rush x 10. The peashooter goes a lot faster than normal and can jump really high so you can then get to places you couldn't normally reach. Another strategy you could use if your taking a lot of damage is you could use hyper mode when your in trouble and find a spot to hide and regenerate your health back. Both plants and zombies can regenerate health, but only to half of their maximum health. So say the peashooter is at 30 health, he would only regenerate back to 63 health, about half of 125. There are also eight different types of peashooters, which I will talk about a little bit later. Until then enjoy the game. :D


  1. I think your blog is very good but I think you should have like a character of the week like the funniest zombie and like funny plants.

  2. In the blog you have a x10, I think it is times 10. The link that you have in the text brings up a forbidden category. Otherwise good job!

  3. Great post but I think you should put trophies and achievements like that.

  4. The link that you have in the text brings up a forbidden category. Great job though

  5. I love your topic but your link is forbidden.

  6. I have played this game before.I think that having those pictures as the background is good because not only do you tell us we can see it.

  7. Seems like a good blog, but your link says Forbidden Category.

  8. I like your blog Noah and it has a lot of interesting facts about the plants and zombies interview.

  9. Very good Noah. I love the way you have the cactus thingy on the left with it's mouth ready to bite off a zombie. I really love the information you have given.

  10. I love this game, and I got an idea for you do a blog on the first PvZ.

  11. I really enjoy video games, and I will enjoy this blog. The only problem about this post is that the link is forbidden because of games, but besides that I love it!

  12. Nice job I think that it will be hard to carry this on but if you can do it go for it! Maybe you can use a bigger image so it doesn't repeat.

  13. You did a nice job on your post Noah, but your link doesn't work here at school. Next time you try to put in a link, I suggest trying the link first. Other than that, you did a great job, and although I think this may be a difficult topic to continue, I can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  14. I know the link is forbidden guys, so for now you will have to see it at home. I will look for another picture though.

  15. You might run out of topics eventually, but still great job!

  16. I love how you go into detail on your blog; it makes everything make a lot more sense. I also enjoy this game when I have time to play it.

  17. I agree with Carter on how you might run out of topics and you should keep on giving great information about each basic set.
